Pianerb is a max4live designed and built by Aval.
The idea behind it was to have a realistic and usable piano soundboard that can be adjusted as desired, thanks to the few but very useful controls available that can be used as a creative and unique reverb system.
The device relies on the physical model of a string, the waveguide introduced by Karplus and Strong. The Pianerb provides as many strings as the piano, including double strings etc, I/O equalization and a resonance system that emulates the material and size of the piano body.
Damping : decay time, emulates the damping of individual strings
Age : detune the second string of the single note, creating an old piano effect
Body : amount of filtering due to the body of the instrument
Size : size of the instrument body, modulates resonance frequencies
LP : input Lowpass Filter (12dB/oct)
HP : input Hipass Filter (12dB/oct)
Dry Wet : amount of dry or wet signal